We all know Wattpad men are dangerously hot alpha males, and most of them have a serious case of toxic masculinity. We've rounded up some of the most hilarious examples.
1. Eat Sprinkles
These colorful ice cream toppings, also known as hundreds and thousands, are apparently a threat to manliness.
2. Use Ladders
We're not sure exactly what about a ladder screams "feminine", but this male lead seems to think they're a woman-only tool.
3. Be "Cute"
It turns out calling a "manly man" cute or pretty is offensive to his ego.
4. Eat Breakfast
You'd think bacon and eggs would be a masculine staple, but apparently eating in the morning is just for the ladies.
5. Have a Favorite Flower
Obviously plants are for women only. Just knowing the name of a flower might make men explode.
6. Drink Milk
Sure, pretty much everyone drank milk as a baby, but we all know it's the girliest beverage.
7. Use Sunscreen
You're not a real man unless you can defeat the sun itself! UV rays be damned.
8. Drink Iced Coffee
Hot coffee? Manly AF. Iced coffee? Might as well be a pink unicorn latté.
9. Eat Italian Food
Don't tell all those Italian mob bosses, but that spaghetti stuff is just for women.
How do you feel about toxic masculinity in male leads? Let us know in the comments...